A Nurse-Driven Method for Developing Artificial Intelligence in “Smart” Homes for Aging-In-Place


Roschelle L. Fritz, PhD, RN
Gordana Dermody, PhD, RN, CNL


To offer practical guidance to nurse investigators interested in multidisciplinary research that includes assisting in the development of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms for “smart” health management and aging-in-place. Methods: Ten health-assistive Smart Homes were deployed to chronically ill older adults from 2015 to 2018. Data were collected using five sensor types (infrared motion, contact, light, temperature, and humidity). Nurses used telehealth and home visitation to collect health data and provide ground truth annotation for training intelligent algorithms using raw sensor data containing health events. Findings: Nurses assisting with the development of health-assistive AI may encounter unique challenges and opportunities. We recommend: (a) using a practical and consistent method for collecting field data, (b) using nurse-driven measures for data analytics, (c) multidisciplinary communication occur on an engineering-preferred platform.



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